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Never forget about the people who spot the beautiful cars coming in to the country and post pictures on different groups. We love react to those posts but we never take into account the struggle of a person who had to wait patiently for the perfect capture. To be honest, if you have the love and dedication towards cars to be patient enough and take pictures of any particular vehicle, then you can be a spotter too. But even if you’re spotting, you should follow the community standards. This allows you to achieve your goal without letting anyone down. Here are some Do’s and Dont’s of Car Spotting.

1. Always know which time is best suited to spot cars. If you’re hoping to spot cars during lunchtime or early morning, chances are you’ll be spotting nothing but Ena Buses and some trucks. In Dhaka, a good time is around 4-7 PM. This is the time when people start coming back from work and this allows for you to spot some good cars.

2. Location is key. Always choose a location where the road has to be used by all cars alike. For example you can spot cars by the Airport Road or in diplomatic zones like Gulshan/Banani. Other areas include Bashundhara/Dhanmondi/Banglamotor. Keep in mind, a good spot can come out of anywhere, so you never know what to expect.

3. You can also spot cars in particular areas such as Restaurants or Hotels. Some great cars can turn up and it allows you the chance to take still pictures of the cars.

4. Don’t let people tell you that you need good equipment like expensive DSLR’s with expensive lens. I still remember starting to spot cars using a Samsung Digimax A4. It was barely a 5 megapixel camera. To me the best suited device to spot cars will be a phone. Its always with you,its handy and if you can take pictures well with whatever device,its best suited for you.

5. Make sure to edit out the number plate of any car you spot before uploading the picture. Remember, you got the opportunity of spotting a good car, have some decency,show some respect and edit out the number plate,its not a hard task. This shows your professionalism as well.

6. If after uploading a photo of the car you spotted,you are asked by the owner to remove the picture, then please do. You can spot thousands of other cars or you can re upload it once the owner is comfortable. You’re not paparazzi,you’re just an enthusiast taking pictures.

7. Try not to add the location of where you spotted the car, this is for the sake of spotting,it adds to the adventure. It also protects the privacy of the owner of the ride. As I said, you are not a paparazzi.

So to conclude this article, spotting is about patience and some luck. It is also not all about you, so respect the wish and privacy of the owner. Lucky Spotting!

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